Training is a priority for researchers of Genomic Medicine Group, convinced of the need to stimulate interest in research and grant young people the opportunity to expand and improve their training both in a scientific and in a technical way.

For this reason, we conduct internal training for our staff and teaching for researchers who come to our center for training or research stays.

It is also common to find members of our group in training courses open for all scientists, in seminars and scientific conferences, as well as in scientific advisory activities for the general public and particulary for the youngest.

The GMX has a special interest in bringing science to the general public. Especially its coordinator, Dr. Ángel Carracedo, who has been involved in projects and activities of scientific dissemination and whose presence is common in schools or education centres in which he tries to bring science closer to the youngest.

For this reason, he has recently entered the EduMOTIVAcon_ project that aims to mobilize talent and knowledge of relevant people to provide students with the acquisition of thinking skills (creativity, critical thinking, decision making, learning…) and work (such as communication and cooperation), all linked to personal growth, the exercise of citizenship and professional careers.


If you want more information about the procedures for a training or research stay with one of the researchers of our group, contact them directly or use the contact form.

If you teach Baccalaureate or vocational training and you want your students to learn more about our work and our facilities in one of the open days that we organize throughout the school calendar, contact and they will help you set the date that best suits your schedule.


We have designed this section for greater dissemination to training opportunities or jobs that arise within the Genomic Medicine Group or that provide us with other external groups with which we cooperate. Anyhow, we are not responsible for the content thereof and we do not have more information, so it is essential to follow the instructions detailed in each offer.

  • PROGRAMA INVESTIGO, de contratación de personas jóvenes demandantes de empleo en la realización de iniciativas de investigación e innovación, en el marco del Plan de recuperación, transformación y resiliencia.
    • Perfil 1: Titulado/a Grado II (Diplomatura/Grado < 300 ects) – Investigador. Biología o Ciencias biomédicas. Ver oferta.
    • Perfil 2: Titulado/a Grado II (Diplomatura/Grado < 300 ects) – Investigador/a. Grado (Biología, Farmacia, Medicina, Psicología…). Ver oferta.
    • Perfil 3: Técnico de FPII ambito sanitario. Ver oferta.
    • Perfil 4: Técnico de laboratorio ámbito sanitario. Ver oferta.
  • We are looking for a predoctoral candidate:
  • [CLOSED] The CiberER seeks to incorporate two Doctors in life sciences with experience in medical genomics for the performance of activities within the work package of Pharmacogenomics and population genomics of the project “IMPaCT – GENóMICA”, funded by the Carlos III Health Institute (See detail of offer 1 and detail of offer 2).

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