The Group of Genomic Medicine is a joint research unit consisting mainly of researchers of the University of Santiago de Compostela, of the Galician Public Foundation of Genomic Medicine, of the National Genotyping Center, of the Health Research Institute of Santiago and of the Network Center for Research on Rare Diseases.
The group focuses its efforts on research in the areas of Forensic Genetics, Evolutionary and Population Genetics and Clinic Genetics, currently being a reference group with countless scientific papers published in top-class journals such as NatureGenetics, Science and Nature. For this,wepay special attention to the improvements that take place in genomic technologies and support toolsand participate in the development of new analysis methodologies serving as transverse support in research.
The Genomic Medicine Group has extensive experience in regional, national and international calls. Over the last decade, its members have obtained both public and private funding to carry out numerous projects in all areas where its research has been focused, either as a main partner or through collaborations with other research teams.
Transfering the results of our research to society is a result of our social commitment. As proof of this, we can mention different agreements and partnerships that our group has with other companies and foundations, as well as the patents granted.
In GMX, our commitment is training as the best investment to meet the challenges of the future. Thanks to quality training, we can improve job skills. These skills are essential to strengthen the competitive position of the group and its members. For this reason, our facilities host a large number of students in order to qualify them for a better performance in their future work duties. The establishment of framework agreements with numerous foreign centers also encourages the best students and researchers to carry out stays in our group. Thanks to this fact, new ways of collaboration with other research groups and companies in many different countries, especially in Europe and Latin America, are established. This fact has led us to become a group with a high level of internationalization.